题记:2023年6月30日,北大南南合作与发展学院2023届毕业典礼在北京大学承泽园隆重举行。本文根据南南学院院长、国发院名誉院长、新结构经济学研究院院长林毅夫教授的英文致辞翻译整理。 尊敬的世界贸易组织副总干事张向晨大使,尊敬的北京大学孙庆伟副校长,尊敬的国家国际发展合作署国际合作司徐伟司长,同事们,同学们,女士们,先生们:
值此典礼,我想先向今天毕业的38位同学表示祝贺。从南南学院毕业是你们人生中的一座里程碑,将帮助你们实现为自己祖国现代化贡献力量的理想。 你们在南南学院读书期间,世界正经历特殊时期,种种意想不到的挑战层出不穷,比如新冠肺炎疫情、俄乌地缘冲突、发达国家利率上升,以及由此导致的发展中国家资本外流,等等,结果是全球许多国家经济增长放缓,失业率上升。 这段时间,你们既是南南学院的学生,同时也是本国政府机关的成员,并且还需要兼顾家庭。能够在这样充满挑战的特殊时期里圆满完成学院高标准的学业并获得学位,充分证明了你们克服困难的能力。 你们的成就值得高度肯定和由衷的祝贺! 毕业之后,你们将回到自己的工作岗位,为自己祖国的发展做出更大的贡献。上述所有挑战都将呈现在你们眼前,尤其是在经济增长减缓的状况下,许多国家要实现2030可持续发展目标的难度更大。除此之外,气候变化导致的极端天气频发将给世界很多地区带去更多问题。 面对未来种种挑战,你们都需要做好相应的准备。而我确信,你们在南南学院所获将有助于你们克服挑战。 在今天的毕业典礼上,作为老师,我还想重申我曾在课堂上讲过的要点。任何国家任何时刻都会面临各种挑战,我们都应具备迎接挑战的勇气和克服挑战的智慧。同时我也想强调,每个国家每个时刻也都有属于自己的机会。一个国家成功的关键就在于发现机会、抓住机会,以创造更多资源来克服挑战。若能这样,你的国家将能按自己的道路发展。你也必须有发现自己国家机会的能力,在课上我常说发现机会的方法是看自己现在有什么,而不是自己没有什么;看基于自己有的能做好什么,而不是基于自己没有的做不好的事。如果你们遵循这样的方式,基于自己有的、能做好的,把它做大做强,我相信,无论你们的国家面对多少挑战,都一定会实现有活力的经济增长。这是我对你们和你们祖国的期待与祝愿。 今天,你们从南南学院毕业,学院将永远是你们的精神家园。这里的老师们将永远乐意随时与你们分享他们的研究发现。 在未来的职业生涯中,你们将会积累许多发展中国家的发展经验,学院敞开双臂随时欢迎你们归来,与其他同学和朋友分享你们的观点与智慧。这也正是南南合作与发展的精神。 我确信,只要我们携手,就一定会使每个发展中国家实现经济蓬勃发展,实现我们追赶上发达国家的梦想。 Your excellency, Deputy Director-General of the WTO, Ambassador Zhang, Your excellency, Vice President of the Peking University, Mr. Sun, Your excellency, Director General, Department of International Cooperation, China International Development Cooperation Agency, Mr. XU, Colleagues, students, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to take this occasion to congratulate the 38 students who will receive their diploma at this commencement today. The graduation from ISSCAD is a milestone for you to realize your aspiration of making contribution to the modernization of your motherland. You complete this challenging program in a very special moment of the world, because during your study period, the world is facing all kinds of unexpected challenges like COVID-19, the rising food prices due to the geopolitical conflicts in Ukraine and Russia, the rising interest rate in the advanced countries, and subsequently out-flow of capital from many of your countries. The result, certainly, is the slowdown of economic growth as well as the rising unemployment in many countries. While you are a student of ISSCAD, you"re still a member of your government administration and are also responsible for your family. Therefore, during this challenging moment, you were able to complete the high-standard program and receive the diploma is a proof of your ability to overcome challenges, and you should be congratulated for this achievement. After the graduation today, you will return home to continue your career and make further contribution to your home country. Certainly, all the challenges will be there. Especially because of the slowing down of economic growth of your country, many of you has derailed from the commitment to achieve the sustainable development goals by the time of 2030. In addition to that, because of the climate changes, the extreme weather will cause more issues in many parts of the world. So you will have to be prepared for the many challenges in the coming years. But, the graduation from ISSCAD, I"m sure, will prepare you to meet those kinds of challenges successfully. At this commencement, as a teacher, I would like to repeat some of the messages I gave in my course. Certainly, at any moment, in any country, you are going to face many, many challenges, and certainly, we should have the courage to face those challenges and find a way to overcome them. But at the same time, I would like to highlight that at any moment, every country will also have its opportunities. The key to the success of a country is always to identify the opportunities and realize them so that you are going to generate more resources to help you to overcome the challenges. In this way, you will be able to navigate the path of your country. You also need to have the ability to identify the opportunities. In my class, I always say that the way to find opportunities is to look at what you have now, instead of what you don’t have now. To look at what you can do well based on what you have, instead of what you could not do well based on what you do not have. If you have this approach, and scale up what you can do well based on what you have, I"m sure it will generate dynamic economic growth no matter how many challenges that you have surrounding your countries. In this way, every country can grow dynamically. This is my wish for you and for your countries. Today, you"re graduating from ISSCAD. I would like to say that ISSCAD is an intellectual home for you forever. Faculty members here will be ready to share with you their intellectual findings at any time. In your future career, certainly, you are going to generate many useful insights and lessons for other countries in the Global South, and ISSCAD will open our hands to welcome you to come to your intellectual home to share your insights and wisdom with other fellow students. This is the spirit of South-South cooperation and development. I"m sure by joining hands, we will be able to realize the dynamic economic growth in every country in the global South, and realize our dream of making a contribution for our countries to catch up with the global North.
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